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Representative Director Keiko Yanagita KEIKO YANAGITA


Musik Gemeinschaft  This is Keiko Yanagida, representative director of Hannover TOKYO.

Musik Gemeinschaft  Hannover TOKYO hosts the Weihnachts Konzert aus Hannover series, which is held every December, mainly by fellow musicians with ties to Hanover. The purpose is to introduce it to Japan.

If you would like to support our activities, we would like to ask for your support.

​I would appreciate it if you could contact me

(email address:

Born in Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture. Started playing the violin at the age of two and a half.

52nd Student Music Concours of Japan Kyushu Tournament 1st place in the junior high school violin section, and participated in the national competition. In 1999, he performed as a soloist with the Kyushu Symphony Orchestra at the Kyuden Fureai Concert. 1st International Exchange Concert Audition in Croatia 2nd Place (Highest Place in the Violin Solo Category)

Since 2004, she has been a Guststudent at the Nuremberg University of Music, Germany, and since 2005, has been enrolled in a specialized course for performers at the Hannover University of Music, Theater and Media. During her studies, she performed as a soloist and concertmistress with the Kammerorchester Hannover, the Hanover Kunitachi College of Music Education Course, and the Jazz Department Orchestra. While still a student, Mr. I. Laufs, a lecturer at the Hannover Music Academy, presented a small piece for jazz orchestra and violin solo, SPEC,and performed it for the first time. Since 2011, he has appeared in numerous concerts as a scholarship student of the Edelhof Rikklingen Foundation in Germany. After returning to Japan, he gave numerous recitals in Tokyo and Kagoshima, and has been a pianist, Shuku Iwasaki, Haiou Zhang. Misako Osada, Kerim Bergazov Aiko Yajima, and Mayumi Sakamoto. Since 2020, he has been a judge of the Estonian online international music competition “Music and Stars Awards”. ICurrently, Shimamura Musical Instruments violin instructor, representative of "Musik Gemeinschaft Hannover", member of the Grieg Society musicians. He has studied under Hideo Matsumura, Asako Yoshikawa, H.Zack, D.Gede, V.Robin, U.Schneider, and A.Kostecki.

柳田 慶子 ヴァイオリン 

2004年よりドイツ国立ニュルンベルク音楽大学ガストステューデント、2005年よりドイツ国立ハノーファー音楽演劇メディア大学演奏家専門コースに在籍。在学中ソリスト、コンサートミストレスとしてカンマーオーケストラハノーファー、ハノーファー国立音楽大学教育課程専門コース並びにジャズ科オーケストラと共演。在学中ハノーファー音楽大学講師のI.ラウフス氏よりジャズオーケストラとヴァイオリンソロのための小品「SPEC」を献呈され、初演。2011年よりドイツのエーデルホフ・リックリンゲン財団の奨学生として数々の演奏会に出演。帰国後、東京と鹿児島にて数々のリサイタルを行い、これまでにピアニスト、岩崎淑、ハイオウ・チャン、長田美紗子、キリム・ベルガゾフ、矢島愛子、坂本真由美と共演。2020年よりエストニアのオンライン国際音楽コンクール「Music and Stars Awards」の審査員。2022年オンライン国際音楽コンクール「Music and Stars Awards」優秀指導者賞受賞。現在、島村楽器ヴァイオリン科講師、「Musik Gemeinschaft Hannover TOKYO」代表理事、グリーグ協会演奏家会員。これまでに松村英夫、吉川朝子、H.ツァック、D.ゲーデ、V.ロビン、U.シュナイダー、A.コステツキの各氏に師事。

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